Saturday, December 17, 2016



Why stretching is just as important as excercise ?

For Your Body
  • It helps improve flexibility ( to increase your range of motion)
  • To loosen your tighten muscles 
  • To decrease the risk of getting an injury
  • To decrease muscle soreness
For Your Mind

  • Even for a short amount of time(10-15minute) of streaching can calm your mind 

How to lose weight Part 2

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How to lose weight even if your not going to the gym

here is my tips to lose weight eve if your not going to the gym

First drink water not just ordinary water , put some yellow and green lime , ("tanglad") and let it cool for about 4 hours in the fridge :) why drink this ? it cleanses your body and urine it , and you will just lose weight of course you still need excercise
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Second just like i ssaid you need excercise . for about 30-60 mins a day , i suggest body weight training or jogging or you can do both 30 mins jogging and 30 mins body weight training

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How to become healthy

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well this is my personal opinion about becoming healthy :) you can agree and disagree to this blog because just like i said its all my personal experience and opinion

First eat reall food when i mean real , not processed food or made in factory, eat cooked meals because all factory made foods have a preservative added so its not healthy to eat it ,

Second Excercise once a week , why ? so your body will burn some fats and it will make your mind clear or faster .

Third Be a positive thinker , why ? there's an article that if you have a positive mind you will live longer so be a positive thinker .

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Dont over sleep

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Oversleeping effects

1.Increased pain
if you done a little excrecise and you oversleept even if its just a little excercise , the pain will increase if you overslept

2.Increased weight gain
Not just long sleepers but also short sleepers will gain weight than the normal sleeper, it is been proven try to search for it

3.Higher stroke risk
A recent study from University of Cambridge researchers looked at data from around 9700 Europeans over a period of 11 years. People who slept over eight hours were 46% more likely to have had a stroke during the study period after adjusting for comorbid factors. 

it has been all proven :)